Monday 13 February 2017

Past Students Work Analysis

Many A2 students do pop music video's as their work isn't one specific concept or narrative, with pop music videos you can be creative as its all about the star image instead of sticking to a particular image that society has set to these music videos, such as with pop punk, its all about being rebellious, the same as metal, and most mainly focus on the band playing live than a storyline.

As a pop music video there are several codes and conventions that pop music videos follow, this includes a narrative storyline, a romance, a link with the visuals and lyrics, and most pop videos also sell a star brand, so they will most likely use lots of Close-Ups as well as use the main actress/actor as the artist themselves who sing the song.

This video is one of my favourites as it follows a narrative as well as links the lyrics to the visuals, its obvious that they analysed the lyrics to understand what the song was about and matched the visuals to the lyrics, while they weren't directly linked, you understood that the song was linked to the visuals that was going on, and helped you understand it better.

When she sings 'I gotta stay high, all the time' it quickly cuts to the camera looking down at the town centre on a time lapse, here it meant high as in height, where as the next time the chorus plays, it cuts to when you see her smoking, getting high as in drug abuse.

By Danniella Chapman

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Past Students Work Analysis

This is one of many of the A2 Media Students Work, its well reviewed with over 9,000 views on YouTube. The song is 'Fire Meet Gasoline' by Sia, its been published by Joe Wilmot on his YouTube channel for is A2 studies.  

Again this is a pop music video, so it features different codes and conventions for music video's, this includes lip syncing by the main artist as well as the lead actor. A link between the visuals and the lyrics, a romance and the shots cut on the beat to help speed up the music video without the audience noticing it, nor without actually speeding up the music itself.

As most pop music videos there is also a link between the visuals and the lyrics starting with the chorus, while the whole music video itself is a narrative, the first time the visuals link with the lyrics is in the chorus when the artist sings 'Fire meets gasoline' and a flame is lit.

The second time the lyrics link with the visuals is at the end of the music video when they sing 'Burn with me tonight' and the flame is lit again.

By Danniella Chapman

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Music Video Analysis - Next 2 You

Goodwin's Music Video Analysis

Justin Bieber - Next 2 You ft Chris Brown

Justin Bieber is teen phenomenon who rose the bar for other teen stars, he was the first to have a fanbase to the extent that it has reached and is now an idol to millions. He started off in 2009 and was known for his floppy brown hair and hazel eyes, he donates millions to charities every single year and  every song he reaches sets records and becomes number 1.

The characteristics of Pop music video are...

  • A romance 
  • The artist lip syncing
  • The artist also being the lead actor
  • Upbeat music
  • A narrative
This particular music video hits every single point that has been made for pop music video's especially as their is a clear romance for both artists within the music video. Both Justin and Chris Brown lip sync within the video as you can see within the gif. They are seen singing throughout the whole music video except during the flashbacks. They also play both the lead actors within the music video, they both have love interests and are the key elements within the narrative which is about the world ending and a earthquake, which creates a massive whole in the middle of the street. The upbeat music is clearly heard throughout the music video and scenes are cut exactly on beat to make the music video appear faster and more on edge.

There are links with lyrics and visuals, there first one being when Chris Brown sings 'I pray to god everyday' and puts his hands together as if he was praying. This is using a concept theme and as its using the symbolism of praying to link with the act and lyric of itself.

Another line is in the chorus when they sing 'One day when the sky is falling' and the scene cross cuts to the flashback of the city when buildings are crashing down and explosions are happening. Which in theory the line 'the sky is falling' is another phrase for saying the world is going to end, which is what appears to be happening in the video.

The only other link that links up within the visuals is when Chris jumps over a massive whole in the group to appear 'Next' to his girlfriend when the sky is falling, hence the chorus.

There are lots of close-ups of both artists as they're not only pop artists but also belong to major record labels and have brands to sell, so a requirement that is needed by both of them is the use of close-ups of their face.

By Danniella Chapman

Thursday 2 February 2017

Candidate Leaving

Candidate Leaving - Jimmy Carroll
At this point of time within our production Process, we have recently had one of our team members leave, this has put us a little bit behind, however, we have deleted his blog posts and are on target to make up for the the time loss due to our team member not being here.

What to do now?

  • More blog posts on Directors
  • More Blog posts on Music Video Analysis
  • CD + Magazine Covers
  • Start Production
  • Start Post Production
  • Start Ancillary Tasks
  • Finish Evaluation Questions
By Danniella Chapman

Meeting Minutes - 2/02/2017