Tuesday 25 April 2017

Time Managment

Time Management

Time management is all about ensuring you have enough time to complete tasks as well as time to do them to the best possible outcome. Managing your time well also means you're not as stressed out about uncompleted tasks that have to be done.

Time Management is essential during...

  • The filming process
  • Planning of Evaluation Questions
  • Answering Evaluation Questions 
  • Post Production
  • And the making of ancillary tasks
Not too much time can be spent on these essential parts of the process as the more you spend on one area, the further behind you get with the others. By planning ahead and completing these tasks before they're due it allows you to take the time needed to compete them to an appropriate standard.

Did we Time Manage well?

Throughout the whole process we started off well and was managing our time appropriately by dividing our time equally between four people, this allowed us to focus on particular areas each, while Megan was team leader, Jimmy done blog posts, Nathan researched on our ancillary tasks as well as directed and I organised blog posts as well took over basic team leader skills. When Jimmy left this meant we had to re-plan everything we needed to do and manage our team differently, as we weren't expecting this to particularly happen, there wasn't much that we could do and this meant we went a little of course and off schedule. We slowly started to go back however it was more difficult to manage our time with so much to do and not that many people left in our group.

By Danniella Chapman

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