Friday 20 January 2017

Music Video Analysis Template

This is the Music Video Analysis Template which we have been using to write about our music video’s it’s been created to help other members of the group who had trouble writing about music videos. An example of where this has been used is Sum 41 – In Too Deep Music Video Analysis, which was made before we started our new music video.

This table follows Andrew Goodwin’s music video analysis however we added our own little adaptations to analyses the music videos the best we can and to be able to include more information than before.

Goodwin’s Music Video looks at whether the music video has…
  • ·         Demonstrated Genre Characteristics.
  • ·         There is a relationship Between Lyrics and Visuals.
  • ·         The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close up of the artist and have a re-occurring visual in their work.
  • ·         There is a frequent notation of looking and voyeuristic treatment of the female body.
  • ·         There is often intertextual Reference

By Danniella Chapman

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