Monday 10 October 2016

Why and Who makes adverts?

Why and Who makes adverts?
Coco-Cola advertisment from the 1890's
Adverts are made to help reach the target audiences. They are used to grad the attention from those that it wouldn't even normally reach, they bring in a wider range of people. They promote products to these target audiences. An advertiser pays and looks over the advertisements and even decides the message that it wants to send to its target audience.

Its advertised in various ways, which means its brought to the consumers and the target audience in various forms, such as...
    Advertisement for a live radio broadcast (1930)
  • Newspaper
  • Magazines
  • Television
  • Radio
  • Outdoor Advertising
  • Direct Mail
  • Websites
  • Search Results or even blogs.
Adverts are made by people who know the business, companies won't usually hire someone outside of their books who don't know what the business wants or the type of person they need to make the adverts.

Businesses will usually look at these four designers when needing to create an advertisement.
  • Graphic Designers
  • Art directors
  • Copy Writers
  • Creative Directors
By Danniella Chapman

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